UFO Orbs and Chemtrails

Today, I saw UFO orbs circling a chemtrail above my house, zooming in and around it. It was hard to tell how many there were because they would disappear in the mist and reappear on the other side. I had read of UFO orbs disabling nuclear war heads and flying around military planes, but I had never heard of them “attacking” chemtrails. However, this is what they appeared to be doing. When I saw them, I felt hope that someone, anyone, was finally doing something about the toxic streams of chemicals being spread by airplanes around the globe (see links at the bottom of this post for more information on chemtrails).

This photo was taken from the web and is not from my actual experience.

This photo was taken from the web and is not from my actual experience, although it looked identical to this.

These UFO orbs were meaningful to me, because two days earlier I had decided to give up feeling helpless about the manmade devastation taking place on our planet. Instead, I shamanic journeyed to ask for healing of our precious earth. I focused specifically on the chemtrails because everyday, while working on my computer near a window, I would see the planes spraying the trails of chemicals that lingered, and then, within a few hours, spread out, making the skies hazy.

I finished the healing request and went back to work at my computer. A few hours later, I was completely surprised to see UFO orbs circling a freshly sprayed chemtrail. It was the first time I had ever seen orbs, but I wasn’t afraid. In fact, it felt good to know that a collective of intelligent beings was fighting against these chemtrails.

Then I thought, “What if each of us did the same thing — asked for healing of our planet on a regular basis?” Just think if all of us sent our love and gave permission for the toxic chemtrails, fracking, oil spills, inhumane farming, etc. to be healed. What would happen if thousands or even millions of people asked for a healing!? We wouldn’t have to wait on the selfish governments, which answer to the corporations and elite, who in return answer to a much more sinister authority. WE can be the difference!

Here are links about chemtrails (geoengineering):

Geoengineering Whistleblower ~ Ex-Military ~ Kristen Meghan

Geoengineering Exposed At California Jam 2015

Governments, corporations admit to spraying chemicals over your family

What are chemtrails, and should you be scared of them?

Undeniable Footage Of Jet Aircraft Spraying

Imbalances in Our Environment—Reflections of Ourselves

california's burningWhile a large part of the USA is experiencing severe drought and California is ablaze with forest fires, the snowstorm Achilles dropped over a foot of snow onto Minnesota and western Wisconsin a few weeks ago.

Shamans believe that extreme weather conditions are a reflection of a spiritual imbalance—that our thoughts of fear, guilt, anger, etc. are being reflected by the environment. To help remedy the situation, shamans perform healing ceremonies to help heal the people first. Change our thoughts, change the world! But, people have to be willing to change. The shaman doesn’t force the change—they can only coax and explain on a spiritual level. Every person that agrees, even if unconsciously, allows the negativity to be released to the spirits for healing. Once enough people agree, a tipping point is reached and the balance is restored.

In addition, the shamans will talk with the weather consciousnesses to ask them for a desired outcome. For example, in California, the shaman might talk with sky, asking for rain clouds to form and release their precious rainwater. In Minnesota and Wisconsin, the shaman might request that the arctic jet streams recede, allowing the warm southern winds to enter. Each request depends on what the shaman learns while communicating with the divine spirits.

In a strange way, the bizarre weather patterns are bringing our fears to the surface, allowing us to see what has been lying below our unconscious minds, providing an opportunity for healing. Shamans and spiritual leaders are skilled at helping mankind to remember its divinity, but each of us is capable of providing healing for ourselves and others.

Below is a healing meditation technique for everyday use: 

Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Envision a golden ball of light above your head.

Imagine the light coming down through the crown of your head, entering your body, slowly moving downward.

When it reaches your feet, imagine it circling you, moving up until it fully encompasses your body.

Once you are immersed in the light, imagine it extending around the room, then your home or building. See it extend over your community, city, state and country. See it fully engulf the world.

Your loving energy will impact the entire universe, because we are One!

For more on this topic, read my new novel, Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators.

Oneness – More than a Motto

As I looked out the window, the sky darkened and a storm began to blow, causing the trees to bend back and forth in the gusting wind. I was mesmerized by their swaying. Each tree danced their own dance, yet in unison with each other and with the forces of nature. I started to see the power of oneness. Each tree’s spirit was rejoicing in the wind, and I with them. And for a brief moment, I felt the connection of our spirits and nothing else—that we seemed to possessed different forms was not important. We were connected by the same universal power.

Oneness can only be felt when we see no differences between us. If we look only at the form, such as a body, or a tree, we will see differences. When we see something as different, we see an aspect that we are lacking in ourselves. But when we look at everything as a spirit, a spirit that is part of us, there are no differences and we can love perfectly.

Applying the motto of Oneness
The next day, I tried my new perspective with my children. I made up my mind that I was not going to get angry or raise my voice over any perceived differences, such as rooms that needed cleaning or too much time on the computer. I tried to remember that the point was not to prove I had control or that any form or action was more important than showing my children that we are one and the same.

This approach had an immediate positive effect. When listening to my son, I found myself laughing instead of judging. I didn’t have to like his actions or words; I only had to love him. And, if he or my daughter needed a ‘correction,’ I did it with love and firmness. When my son needed to be reminded to nice to his sister and pouted, I kept my cool. The minor infractions were brought to light, remedied and forgotten. No hard feelings, yelling or angry words. By remembering our oneness, my attitude was different. This affected my words and actions, and my kids’ reactions. Even my husband seemed more relax.

The perceived differences between us are temporary
Children will grow up and most likely become parents themselves. Students will learn the teacher’s curriculum and perhaps become teachers themselves. All perceived inequalities will change with time. Differences are only illusions between us. Our spirits are all equal and connected.

Oneness. It seems like an overused motto, until it’s applied. Then, it seems like the most natural thing in the world.

Blessed journeys!

The Four Directions

The native Americans have long practiced calling on the spirits from the four directions (North, South, East and West) to create a sacred space and provide protection and energy for ceremonies and healing sessions. I called on the spirits during a shaman group gathering a few months ago and found that the energy flowing through me was so intense that I was sweating during the entire gathering.

I associate the four directions with seasons. The East with Spring because the sun rising in the East represents a new beginnings and fresh start. The South with Summer for its warm breezes, loving energy and energy from the Sun to help us grow and flourish. The West with Fall – representing the end of day and the end of the growing season. A time to reap what you have sown and give thanks. And finally, the North with Winter’s long, cold days requiring patience and endurance. That which is weak dies. A purging of our soul that allows us to be fertile for when Spring comes again.

Blessed journeys!