Seven Guides to Happiness and Peace

Every decision based on fear is the wrong decision. Not because of the outcome, but because of its motive.

How do you face situations when the answers seem beyond your understanding or ability? How do you go through life feeling comfortable you are on the right path, even when events don’t seem to be going your way?

Here are seven guides for living a happy and peaceful life:

When fearful, call for love. Call on the Spirit who transforms all that is fearful into love. Offer Him your fear and He will take it from you. You will feel the emotional transformation almost immediately, if you are willing to let it go. For a detailed explanation on how to give fear and other unwanted emotions to the Spirit, please read my blog post Meditation Techniques.

When making decisions, ask for divine guidance. Ask for help throughout the day when making decisions. And, then wait for guidance that may come in the form of a gut feeling, heart’s desire, knowing, or you may actually hear the quiet voice speak to you and offer Its guidance on how to handle the situation. The Spirit will help you respond in a loving way.

When you feel guilty, realize that you are responding from fear. Guilt can be immobilizing, infecting so many others aspects of your life. Guilt stems from the fear that you have created a situation that was harmful to others or yourself. It stems from a belief that this dream is real. Can such a temporary moment be real? Can anything that was not created from love be real? There is a message from the Spirit in my book Shaman Stone Soup that answers this well: “Guilt—the universal punishment. For what? What have you done? Illusions of deeds gone wrong, misspoken words, actions that seemed to kill or harm others, all are dreams of injuries to ourselves and others, and yet they are only dreams. The spirit realm, where all the loved ones wait, is a much more accurate portrayal of yourself. Yet even this is incomplete. You are ultimately only love, extending itself for all of eternity.”

Forgive. Remember that your life is a dream created by you. Don’t spend your time blaming others. And like any dream, it’s not real! Let it go. Remember that you and everyone are perfect spirits who have dreamed of imperfection. You are not your body, your actions, your failures. Remember to laugh at your mistakes—they are just a blip on the radar. Forgive every trespass that comes to your mind. Let them all go.

Remember Your Perfectness. You cannot achieve spiritual purity, you’re already a perfect spirit. All you can do is remove the thoughts that keep you from remembering your perfectness. A message from the Spirit in Shaman Stone Soup states: “We are all divine spirits, helping others on conscious and unconscious levels. The past, present, and future exist simultaneously—all lives, all events have already occurred—leaving you with memories of illusions that you pluck from the recesses of your mind. You have reached enlightenment because you have never left it. So, you have the ability to act as an angel, reaching out to others, offering miracles and love, now.”

Surrender. You are like a wave in the ocean, fearful that the ocean will swallow you, and you will be no more. Yet, you have been alive for eternity and always will be. Release your attachment to the dream you have made, and allow your true self, your eternal spirit, to shine through. Don’t fear being part of the ocean. Accept your role in this greatness, and you will realize how mighty you are, instead of how lonely and separated you feel.

Respond with love. Life is about learning to release and forgive everything that is not love. Every temptation to be anxious, guilty, or depressed is identification with fear—an attempt to make this dream real. Love is the recognition that you are an eternal being that can never be destroyed, attacked, or diminished in any way. When you respond with love, you remember your true self.

Shaman Stone Soup

The Book that will Help You Believe in Miracles!

I wrote Shaman Stone Soup after learning that some people were afraid of shamanism. This was surprising, since I had discovered through my experiences with shamanism that it offered a divine connection with enlightened beings, nature, and the loving Spirit. I have experienced many miracles in my life, and I wanted others to know that miracles occur and to believe that they could receive these wonderous gifts for themselves!

The title Shaman Stone Soup was based on the parable of Stone Soup, which demonstrates that when people give a portion of their abundance to others who lack, we create a pot of delicious “soup” that can be shared by all. A wonderful analogy of miracles!

The book includes a short, introductory memoir of how I was led to the path of miracles and 20 true-life stories based on my personal experiences and as a healer for friends, family, and clients.

In Shaman Stone Soup, I offered a view of the healing process from the “other side” by showing how spirit guides, angels, and enlightened teachers answer our calls for help through miracles.

Inside the book are stories of a ghost who overstayed her welcome, the spirits of ancient wise men who offered advice and a miraculous cure from cancer, a conversation with a hurricane and its unintended impact, the man who got out of his wheelchair to go hunting and fishing, the severing of karmic ties and its healing impact on a young college boy, a vivid dream of a pastor who needed guidance, the transformation of a schizophrenic, loving contact from my mother who died unexpectedly, and more.

Shaman Stone Soup offers a multifaceted view of miracles that is not limited to shamanism, A Course In Miracles, religion, spirituality, or lack of faith, but rather emphasizes that miracles are natural occurrences experienced by everyone.

“I really enjoyed reading Shaman Stone Soup…clearly written from the heart.”
— Sandra Ingerman, Author of Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Journeying.

“Beautifully written and heartfelt stories.”
— Hal Z Bennett, Author-Writing Coach and Best-Selling AuthorSpirit Animals & The Wheel of Life: Earth-Centered Practices for Daily Living and Spirit Guides: Companions & Mentors for Your Inner Journeywww.HalZinaBennett.Com

“Take this journey into the world of the Shaman and the miraculous power of love in the healing process.”
— Louis LaGrand, Ph.D., CT Loss Education Associates. Author of Love Lives On.

“Unique and captivating.”
Awareness Magazine,


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Overview of Shamanism and Shamanic Journeying


Excerpt from Shaman Stone Soup by Elizabeth M. Herrera

Shaman Stone Soup Cover-2017.inddShamanism is the oldest known spiritual practice in the world and is still practiced by indigenous people on every continent today. While there are many different rituals, one commonality is that the shaman acts as a catalyst between this world and the spirit world.

Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman, in the book, Awakening to the Spirit World, offered this insight: “Shamanism is an ancient and powerful spiritual practice that can help us thrive during challenging and changing times. In our modern-day technological world we have been led to believe that what we see, touch, hear, smell, and taste with our ordinary senses connects us only to the world that is visible around us. Conversely, shamanism teaches that there are doorways into other realms of reality where helping spirits reside who can share guidance, insight, and healing not just for ourselves but also for the world in which we live.”

I personally have found the practice of shamanism to be life changing. The connection to the Divine power has opened my mind to the wonders of the unseen world, which affects every aspect of our lives and even the entire universe. Through shamanism, I have learned that we are all connected—the Earth, sky, nature, animals, winged and sea creatures, and mankind—all singing one song of unending love.

Here is a short overview of shamanic journeying:

~ During a shamanic journey, a shaman will use a visionary process to travel to the spirit realm to request healings, receive divine messages, help guide lost souls home (psychopomp), and commune with nature and the universe.

~ In the spirit realm, a shaman interacts with spirit guides, ancestors, spirits of people from this world, angels, and enlightened beings.

~ Power animals act as protectors and guides for the shaman. They can be a part of a shaman’s journeys for many lifetimes or brief periods during which their archetype power is needed.

~ The spirit realm has three “worlds”: the lower, middle, and upper. None of the realms are better than the others; they simply offer different experiences that are appropriate for different circumstances.