Learn to Shamanic Journey Workshop | Sun. Mar. 24, 2019 | 10am – 5pm | Raleigh, NC


Learn how to shamanic journey (Native American spirituality) in a one-day workshop facilitated by Shaman Elizabeth Herrera.

Bear Totem animalIn this workshop, you will:

• Discover your power animal

• Explore the three spirit realms

• Meet your spirit guide

Here is a brief overview of shamanic journeying:

Shamanism is the oldest known spiritual practice in the world and is still practiced by indigenous people on every continent today, including Native Americans. While there are many different rituals, one commonality is that the shaman acts as a catalyst between this world and the spirit realm.

During a shamanic journey, a shaman/practitioner uses a visionary process to travel to the spirit realm to request healings, receive divine messages, help guide lost souls home (psychopomp) and commune with nature/universe.

In the spirit realm, a shaman interacts with spirit guides, ancestors, angels, and enlightened beings.

Power animals act as protectors and guides for the shaman, and can be a part of the shaman’s journeys for many lifetimes or brief periods during which their archetype power is needed.

The spirit realm has three “worlds”: the lower, middle and upper. None of the realms are better than the others; they simply offer different experiences that are appropriate for different circumstances.

Dress comfortably. Bring your own blanket, mat and pillow. Optional: Something to cover your eyes, such as a scarf or bandana and/or a handheld drum or rattle.

Cost: $215
Time and Date: Sunday, March 24, 2019 | 10am-5pm
Location: Sagewood Center, 6801 Pleasant Pines Dr., Raleigh, NC

Eventbrite - Learn to Shamanic Journey Workshop | Shaman Elizabeth Herrera

Shaman-Elizabeth-laughingABOUT THE TEACHER: Shaman Elizabeth Herrera offers shamanic healing, soul retrieval, past life healing, energetic body, aura cleansing, chakra opening and spirit depossession. She also offers basic and advanced shamanic journeying lessons.

Her great-grandfather, who was Apache, raised her father. She was fortunate to have known her great-grandfather, who smuggled sugar and flour from Mexico into Texas, exchanged gunfire with Texas Rangers, and crossed paths with Pancho Villa.

Always drawn to the spiritual side of life, Elizabeth began her shamanic path in Michigan where she learned to shamanic journey with a certified Sandra Ingerman instructor. Elizabeth continued her studies through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies for shamanic journeying, soul retrieval, and death and dying (psychopomp), but her major source of learning has been from her spirit guides, who offer limitless guidance and lessons on living a more spiritual life.

She combines her shamanic practice with the teachings of A Course in Miracles (ACIM). These teachings offer guidance on learning to let the Divine lead the way and the importance of forgiveness.

Elizabeth is an award-winning author who has written Shaman Stone Soup, Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators, Of Stars and Clay and Dreams of Heaven. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and children.

Eventbrite - Learn to Shamanic Journey Workshop | Shaman Elizabeth Herrera