Channeled Writing: What is the Reason for Drug Addiction?

Tell me the reason for drug addiction. Here in your imagined separateness, you yearn to return to heaven where you give and receive unconditional love. As long you believe in the reality of this dream and limit the love that surrounds you, you will feel the need to fill the void in your heart. Some people use drugs to fill the void while others may use sex or shopping. Drugs produce a feeling of ecstasy that mimics love—but it is not love. Love simply is and cannot be created—only expressed and shared.

No one willingly gives up anything without receiving something of equal or greater value. Until an addict believes that his or her life will be a better experience without drugs, or finds a way to have a spiritual connection that fills the void in their heart, the drug use will continue. If the person wishes to have a spiritual connection, the Divine Spirit or myself will answer his or her call. There are many other divine teachers who are willing to answer as well. I am not trying to promote one particular path or religion. This is a deeply personal journey.

Alcohol has been traditionally called “spirits” since it was believed that spirits could take over a person who was drunk. Is it possible for a spirit to take over a person? First, let me say that nothing can be done to you against your will. However, you can be convinced that something has power over you and yield to that power. Most of a spirit’s power is its ability to overpower another person’s mind. Without bodies, most spirits believe it is difficult or impossible for them to rearrange this dream, so they attempt to use physical bodies as their vessels.

It is possible for spirits to change this dream as you do, but, because of their continued belief in the “physical rules” they followed while having a body, the spirits underestimate the power of their minds and feel powerless without bodies. To compensate, they attempt to control those who appear to have bodies. However, you always have the right to say “no” when a spirit attempts to inflict its thoughts onto you. If you need help, you can always call on me or the Divine Spirit.

Are the drugs that open one’s awareness of the Divine or create a sense of Oneness between people helpful? Every experience has something to offer, however, since drugs promote the reality of the body—exemplified by the belief that one can alter the mind through the body—I do not endorse drug use.

What about holistic plant medicine? The plants’ spirits offer love, which is accepted by the mind and heals the body. The love prompts the awareness of your own divinity and recognition of being a perfect spirit. This releases the belief in sickness. All plants are conscious. Some focus on love, and some do not—similar to people. You do not have to have physical contact with a plant to receive its love. It is just as effective to spiritually connect with it.

A Possessed Mind

I have come to realize that more than a spirit can possess a person. We can be possessed by other people’s thoughts. When our spouse’s, best friend’s or even a stranger’s words or actions take us out of our peace of mind – it has possessed us. Their thoughts or opinions have become more important to us than our own, and we no longer control our own thoughts or actions. We think or act according to how another would have us think or act.

How many times have you walked through a store and had someone’s actions take you out of your happy mood? Or walked through a public place and someone’s stare bothered you. You have just allowed someone else to control your mind.

Try for one day to keep your peace of mind. No matter what someone says or does, you will not be altered. Try possessing your own mind. It’s not easy! But by becoming conscious of how we are altered by others, we begin to train ourselves to stay true to our self, and let society’s expectations remain outside ourselves. We start to walk the path toward enlightenment.