Saving Mother Earth—Before It’s Too Late!

The video below, sung by Michael Jackson, vividly shows the devastation that is currently besieging our world. And, it’s only gotten worse since. We have to educate ourselves about what is going on around us. We can no longer afford to stick our heads in the sand. Once we know, we can begin using earth-friendly methods for fuel, food and products—responsibly producing, using and disposing of these things, as well as demanding that our government and community do the same, before it’s too late!

Earth Sentinels, The Storm Creators

Earth Sentinels, The Storm Creators

My novel, Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators, takes a harsh look at some of the unjust actions that are destroying our environment: GMOs, oil spills, fracking, tearing down the rainforests and the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima. The story takes you on an epic adventure where the main characters fight back to protect our planet.

Knowledge is power! We can make a difference. Let’s start today.

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